Get intent android studio
Get intent android studio

Then, call its getStringExtras () method to get the string value set, using the putExtra () method. Retrieve the data back in the launched Fragment in the onCreateView method. On the second activity, we first obtain the Intent object, using the getIntent () method. The system will launch the necessary app in this case Google Maps and start the corresponding Activity. String value = getIntent().getExtras().getString('my_key') Ĭreate a bunlde and put your key and value to it, then set the argument of the framgent with this bundle. A common method is to pass the Intent to the startActivity () method.

get intent android studio

To retrieve the data from the launched activity in the onCreate method. We can use a conditional to test whether. Passing data to activity using a new Bundle. Hmm, but what if we get passed an intent with no data Say we add another page to our app, but dont pass data with it. Passing data to activity using the Bundle from the Intent. Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class)

get intent android studio

Passing data to activity using the putExtra() directly on the intent. In the following examples, the primitve type string is used for demonstration purpose. Bundle has put and get methods for all primitive types, Parcelables, and Serializables.

get intent android studio

When passing data to an activity or a fragment in Android, the Bundle is used to contain the data and ship it to the activity or fragment to be launched.

Get intent android studio